
Showing posts from October, 2017

Server Core 2016, Initial configuration with Powershell

Server Core has been around in Microsoft's toolkit for sometime now, since Server 2008 I believe. Here is how you configure a Server Core Installation with PowerShell Upon logging into the server, start PowerShell by typing PowerShell. 1. Rename the server 2. Change the resolution, timezone and date For some reason I entered the command for Timezone in twice :S 3. View current network settings This command shows us the interface 'Ethernet' and it's currently assigned IPv4 address. We have an APIPA address assigned which is no use to us, lets configure an IP in the next step. 4. Configure an IP address Where Ethernet is the name of the adaptor you want to configure. 5. Configure DNS Servers My domain controller and DNS server is 6 Verify DNS server is configured correctly 7. Allow traffic inbound, through the firewall. For our lab purposes, I will open the firewall to all inbound traffic. When in production...

Remotely manage non-domain joined servers

In this short blog I'll take you through the process of managing a remote server that is not yet in your domain and therefore not under your scope of management. Verify the server is on the network and accessible with a ping command. The first step is to edit the trusted hosts list on the server we are working from, to say we want to allow commands and operations to be sent and received from the server that is NON-Domain joined, in this case a server called 'MyServer01'. Edit the trusted hosts list: Verify the trusted hosts list change using the Get-Item commandlet: Connect to our server: I use a variable to provide credentials using $Cred = Get-Credential. I typed the\Administrator and then my password to confirm the credential. We can now enter a remote powershell session using the Enter-PSSession commandlet, providing the computername and the credential, using the credential variable we created above. We can now manage our server, lets a...