Complete a migration assessment of an on-premise vSphere environment.
Hey, Welcome to my blog on assessing and moving on-premises server workloads, into the Azure cloud using Azure migrate and Azure site recovery. The process starts off by assessing the VMWare environment using Azure migrate. You download and configure an appliance that collects information about your vCenter server and it's virtual machines. This stage is important because the collector appliance provides information to Azure for which it will then generate a report. You can then use this report to assess cloud readiness, running costs and migration methods. Some migrations will work better using IaaS (Virtual machine in a vNet) and some with PaaS offerings (Azure SQL databases and App service plans). There are a few things we need to have before we begin and migration projects have two phases. The first is discovering and assessing workloads so you can plan what needs to be migrated to Azure and how you are going to do it. The second is utilising Azure Site Recovery to...