Azure ARM Templates - Design, validate and deploy
Hi! As I write this blog post England have just been knocked out of the world cup so if you happen to be French and reading this, congratulations! In this post I go through the basics of an (ARM) azure resource manager template in Visual Studio and explain the various parts that make up the template. We will then go through the validation of the template so that deployment goes through smoothly and then deploy it to a subscription in Azure. Before we get started, you may want to get Visual Studio community edition installed or if you can, the full version of VS 2017. Other options are available such as Visual Studio Code. I find VS 2017 to be the best editor which includes intellisense. When writing and editing in JSON, intellisense helps to pick out syntax to prevent you from getting stuck on what to type. It's very difficult to remember all the structure and syntax if you don't write or edit templates that often, intellisense helps a lot here. The structure...